By now many of you may have noticed that the books have been temporarily withdrawn.
This is a consequence of the publisher, Angry Robot Books (ARB), going into administration, which is a tale in itself and I won’t go into detail, but the rights to the books reverted back to me as author at the end of 2014. The company that bought some of the assets and business of Angry Robot were allowed to continue to sell the remaining stock up until the middle of 2015, which they did.
When the rights reverted, I lost the rights to the editions produced by Angry Robot which left me with the original manuscripts. That has meant re-editing all four books over the past year so that they are ready for re-publication. In the absense of a traditional publisher, I have decided to publish the books electronically through my own company, Shevdon Limited. On the plus side it meant I could finally address the eBook formatting issues which were introduced when ARB used the edition formatted for print to prodiuce the eBooks, so these are editions designed for e-publication.
Unfortunately, when I lost the rights to the print edit, I also lost the rights to John Coulthart’s wonderful covers, which meant taking a fresh look at those too. I am pleased to present the new cover for Sixty-One Nails, which will be released in the new third edition in March.
More cover previews will follow as the books are ready for release.
Thanks, Ken.
Just finished “Sixty-One Nails” and “The Road to Bedlam” and have been telling friends about the research in history, the t locations we have visited and a lot of great writing.
I was saddened by the temporarily withdraw of “Strangeness and Charm” and “The Eight Court”.
I hope all works out well for you.