The equinox has come and gone and spring is definitely upon us. You can tell this by the snow outside. Spring means Easter, though, and that means Eastercon, which is being held at the Radisson Edwardian Hotel near Heathrow this year.
Odyssey 2010 is probably the largest and most comprehensive con in the UK and covers the full range of media, films, TV, comics and of course, books. The program spans from Good Friday through to Easter Monday and is available here. The Guests of Honour are Alastair Reynolds, Iain M Banks, Liz Williams and Mike Carey, which is quite some line-up.
I will be there from Saturday morning, and will be participating at the following events:
Open Autograph Session. 12pm-1pm. Hotel Lobby. Lots of our attending writers will be present to sign your books. Joe Abercrombie, Aliette de Bodard, Chaz Brenchley, Mike Carey, Mike Cobley, Paul Cornell, Stephen Deas, Jaine Fenn, Colin Harvey, Roz Kaveney, MD Lachlan, Claude Lalumie?re, MEG, Ian R. MacLeod, John Meaney, Ricardo Pinto and Liz Williams, Suzanne McLeod, Mike Shevdon.
The Occult in Modern Urban Fantasy. 6pm-7pm. Room 12. Modern urban fantasy is strongly influenced by the occult. Why is the occult such a rich source of stories, and how do you keep your characters authentic but uncliched? Mike Carey, Suzanne McLeod, Mike Shevdon and Pat Rigby-McMurray (mod).
London as an SF/F Setting for Books, Comics and TV. 7pm-8pm. Room 12. From Doctor Who to Neverwhere to Stickleback in 2000AD, London has made many appearances in Fantasy and SF (and even as board games). The panel discuss the different ways in which the capital has been portrayed. Sebastian Bleasdale, Mike Carey, Roz Kaveney, Pat Rigby-McMurray (mod) and Mike Shevdon.
If you’re planning to be there, do come and say hello, either at the Open Session, after a panel, in the bar or wherever. There are loads of other sessions to go to and lots of great writers will be attending, either as guests or simply to enjoy the con themselves.
Hope to see you there.