Rather than repeat what has been done well elsewhere let me refer you to a good overview of outlining software for a variety of platforms, both free software and paid, over at Zapier.com:
Some tools are aimed more at check-lists and task management, but I recommend you take a look at the following reviews:
- OneNote – full featured, though complex to use. Great for research
- Workflowy – A clean interface with simepl nested text
- LittleOutliner – simple and easy to use, but requires a web connection
- OmniOutliner – A good Mac tool, somewhere between an outliner and a database
- CarbonFin – Full featured, but I would need to check how to get notes out of it
- UV Outliner – A good free Windows Outliner, nice outlines but with check-list features
- Scrivener – Scriverner is the Boss, but there’s a learning curve. Worth the cost and the effort
- Mellel – Aimed at professional writers but with too much emphasis on formatting for me. Distracting.
So that’s a good round up, but there are other tools that might fit the bill which we will look it in due course
Category: Technology