I am delighted to announce that the third edition of The Eighth Court is available on Kindle from today, which brings all four existing books back into publication and completes the series to date. “Scream if you want to go faster!” That was the call. The Eighth Court is perhaps the darkest book of the…
Category: Books
Strangeness and Charm: Update
I am delighted to be able to share the new cover for Strangeness and Charm 3rd edition. As some of you may know, Alex is probably my favourite character from the series and this is her book. I wanted something that would reflect her emergence into adulthood with all the snags and spurs that brings….
The Road to Bedlam: Update
The Road to Bedlam is re-released with brand new covers following a distictly nautical theme.
Sixty-One Nails Re-Released
Sixty-One Nails is re-released today in Kindle format. News of the other books and other publication channels in due course.
Courts of the Feyre: Update
By now many of you may have noticed that the books have been temporarily withdrawn. This is a consequence of the publisher, Angry Robot Books (ARB), going into administration, which is a tale in itself and I won’t go into detail, but the rights to the books reverted back to me as author at the…
Edith Cavell – In Small Tribute
In Chapter Eight of Sixty-One Nails, my protagonist, Niall, is sitting at the corner of St Martin’s Lane in London. The Chapter opens with the lines: I sat for an hour or more before people started walking across the square, heading towards work or some other rendezvous, and it lost its privacy. I was getting…
The Eighth Court: End-Notes and Acknowledgements
Some of you may be aware that the deadlines for The Eighth Court were very tight, and an extension was needed to get the book to where it needed to be. I am immensely grateful to my Editor, Lee Harris, for his patience and understanding while all this was going on. He’s a star, and…