Someone close to me once said that they like Roast Chicken, but they don’t like it messed about. That’s fine, but unless you get a really good chicken they can taste a bit bland and dry. Personally, I like my chicken messed about with, so here’s a recipe for that. Ingredients One medium-sized chicken Two…
Category: Food
I’ve been making Marmalade
No, really. I’ve posted the recipe on The Fayre of the Courts?
Recipe: Seville Orange Marmalade
The winter is often at its worst at the end of January, which is just the time the Seville Oranges become available in Britain. This is a breath of summer at a time when it is most needed, and the citrus scent and vibrant colour are a blessing for the winter days. Seville Oranges are…
Recipe: Crispy Pork with Sweet and Sour Pineapple
Sweet and Sour is all about contrasts, and this recipe has lots of them. The pork has a firm meaty texture, complimented by a crispy coating with herb notes, while the sauce balances sweetness against acid, without the overpowering cloy of commercial sauces which, for me, are always more sweet than sour. It also looks…
Recipe: Leafy Minced Beef Pie
There are few things as comforting as pie, but many people shy away from pies as difficult dishes to make. Pastry can seem a bit daunting to begin with, and quite fiddly, but it needn’t be, and a home-made pie can be one of the most rewarding dishes to make. You will need some tools…
Recipe: Mackerel with Rhubarb
In my newsletter I did promise a recipe for Mackerel with Rhubarb, with all credit to The Draak, who came up with this (and it was her Rhubarb). As with so many fish recipes, it’s simple and quick and involves minimal messing about with good ingredients. Take one medium sized Mackerel per person, and take…
Recipe: Tyropitta – Greek Cheese Pies
I love Greece. I know they are going through a terrible economic time at the moment, and they have become Europe’s examplar for how things can go fiscally wrong, but you have to understand – like other countries involved in the financial crisis, the average Greek had absolutely nothing to do with it. They are…