From time to time extras and bonus elements may be made available through my website. You can find them here:
Interstitial Spaces – Creating the Courts of the Feyre
From time to time extras and bonus elements may be made available through my website. You can find them here:
Mike, just a quick question to see if you gave been working on any other novels?
I’m a big fan
Dear Mr.Shevdon:
So is the Eighth Court the last in the series? I feel as if the ending could do for a next book in the series. I feel as if the ending has left things in complete. Do you intend to write another book for the series? Or is it only a four book series?
Thanks, what a lovely thing to say. 🙂
Hello Mike,
So….. New series with Alex as the main character???? just a suggestion.
Honestly it won’t matter, I find your writing both engrossing & engaging so whatever your next endeavor – consider it read (by me anyway)
Sunny (from US)
Hey Mike. Great books, as for Glenn’s comment above, he’s just peeved that he doesn’t get any more 🙂
Perhaps you can do a prequel? That way you can keep your promise of it being the end of the series whilst also filling in some of the events during the Medieval and Tudor period. I’m sure your love of mixing in real history could accommodate that 😛 For a moment when I was reading the Eighth Court I thought there was going to be a George Lucas ‘Luke, I am your father’ moment with Altair because we never worked out who it was from the ‘pure’ race that had gotten jiggy with those pesky humans ;P maybe that’s something for the prequel, LOL. Best of luck in the next project!
After finishing the book The Eighth Court, it doesn’t seem the series has ended even though in some senses it tries to, odd enough. Not sure if I just wasn’t happy with the ending or the fact that the story somehow continued for the short term but not long term had anything to do with it. Hopefully it’ll continue with some secret. Hope all is well though and good luck.