In my previous article I talked about why you might want to use outlining as a technique. In this article I’m going to look at what outlining is. Basic Outlining At it’s simplest, outlining is the enhancement of content through spacial arrangement. That can involve the placing of elements in a list, a grid, a hierarchy,…
I Should Be Writing…
Outlining: Why?
As part of a new series I’m going to be looking at outlining as a technique for writers and I’m going to start by acknowledging the obvious – everyone is different. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another, so my objective here is not to tell you how to write or what…
The Road to Bedlam: Update
The Road to Bedlam is re-released with brand new covers following a distictly nautical theme.
Sixty-One Nails Re-Released
Sixty-One Nails is re-released today in Kindle format. News of the other books and other publication channels in due course.
Courts of the Feyre: Update
By now many of you may have noticed that the books have been temporarily withdrawn. This is a consequence of the publisher, Angry Robot Books (ARB), going into administration, which is a tale in itself and I won’t go into detail, but the rights to the books reverted back to me as author at the…
FantasyCon 2015
I will be at FantasyCon this weekend at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, catching up with old friends and hopefully making new ones. On Friday at 6pm in Suite 1 I will be discussing Fae-Fi, Folk-Fum: Faerie & Folktale and the influences of folk-lore on Urban Fantasy in particular and on fiction in general,…
Edith Cavell – In Small Tribute
In Chapter Eight of Sixty-One Nails, my protagonist, Niall, is sitting at the corner of St Martin’s Lane in London. The Chapter opens with the lines: I sat for an hour or more before people started walking across the square, heading towards work or some other rendezvous, and it lost its privacy. I was getting…