Happy New Year. Yes, I know it’s the middle of January and I know that everyone else stopped saying that a week ago, but I’ve been busy, so I would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010 now, while there’s still some January left.
The reason my new year greeting is a smidgen tardy is that I’ve been absorbed in finishing The Road to Bedlam, which is the sequel to Sixty-One Nails. It follows Niall and Blackbird in the aftermath of Sixty-One Nails, and as anyone who read the taster will know (it’s included in the back of book one), it’s also about Niall’s daughter, Alex, and what happens when she comes into her power.
I thought I would start 2010 with a recap of the schedule as the question that I am most often asked now is: When can I read book two? Bearing in mind that schedules are subject to change at the publishers, the printers and at the retailers, and by me if I don’t hurry up and get the darned book finished, here are the dates for your diary:
- June 2010 – Sixty-One Nails is released in the USA and Canada
- July 2010 – The Road to Bedlam is released in the UK and Australasia
- August 2010 – The Road to Bedlam is released in the US and Canada
As I get more precise information on release dates, I will update you, but it looks like being a heck of a summer for Niall and Blackbird – in more ways than one. In the meantime, I will keep you up to date with progress and I’ll be posting some info on the development of the Courts of the Feyre as we progress into the year.
With that, I’ll wish you a joyous, healthy, wealthy and peaceful 2010.